Giovanna Caracciolo
I am a qualified transformational coach and also an experienced chartered civil engineer.
My seventeen year career working in large corporates in the construction industry, together with my coaching and mentoring experience over the past six years, have been pivotal in exposing and giving me insight into the mechanisms which drive people's behaviour and mindset in the workplace. These mechanisms can strongly affect the way people value their own performance, perceive their relationship with their colleagues, and their ability to make important decisions for their professional future and career.​
Since I started coaching back in 2015, I have helped many people get unstuck in their career journey. When working with me, my clients finally manage to find that clarity of mind which allows them to believe that change is possible. They come to see how powerful they can be in taking back control of their professional destiny, by making decisions and taking actions, so that they can thrive and be the best they can be.
During my whole career, I often found it incredibly useful to have the help and support of people with more experience than me; to be inspired, to better tackle challenging tasks and to achieve important milestones which I set for myself. Over the years I have been mentoring a number of professionals in the early stages of their career in the construction industry. I have shared my experience and knowledge with them, which helped them to rapidly make progress in various areas, from better managing their time, to acquiring key skills required in the workplace or to effectively prepare for the chartership exam.
Coaching and mentoring are two very different interventions; nonetheless, they can both be extremely effective and useful, if used in the right way at the right time.
Whether my client needs coaching or mentoring or both, it is something that I openly discuss and agree with them from the beginning, during the initial discovery session; still keeping the flexibility during the journey to change and adapt, as best suits their needs.
Coaching approach
Transformational coaching focuses on getting to the true root cause of the client situation, rather than dealing with surface level solutions or quick fixes..
Whether we simply want to feel happier and more satisfied at work or we are planning a huge career change, finding clarity on what is really keeping us stuck where we are, is a pivotal step in our journey; to move towards the place where we really want to be.
Transformational coaching ensures a more long-lasting and developmental change; it transforms something at a level usually beyond the client’s cognitive thinking capacity alone.
Working with me, my clients become aware of their own patterns and "unhelpful responses" to challenges. This awareness often comes to them as a lightbulb suddenly turning on in the darkness. The clarity and understanding of how they operate generates a steady sense of control. This empowerment allows them to believe that change is truly possible; making decisions and taking actions become natural events of their journey, so that real change can materialise.
This shift in perception is a powerful game changer, entangled thoughts are replaced by an Evolving Mindscape which enables them to be the best they can be, and to keep growing and developing over time.

Mentoring approach
The mentoring work I do with my clients draws directly on my own personal experience during an almost 20 year career working in large corporates in the construction industry.
In order to overcome the multiple challenges that my job, as a structural engineer presented me with, I acquired skills which enabled me to successfully juggle multiple complex tasks, effectively manage my time and maximise my productivity.
When mentoring my clients, I share these skills and I work with them to transform their “overwhelmed state of mind” into an Evolving Mindscape. The first step enables structure, then, by adding the time dimension, planning becomes possible. By learning how to monitor a plan, the whole process can now be managed. By consolidating this new approach into a set of practical tools, it can then be repeated and maintained over time.

ICF ACC credentialed coach (Associate)
January 2023 - International Coaching Federation
EMCC Accredited Coach at Practitioner Level
November 2021 – European Mentoring and Coaching Council
TA202 Transactional Analysis CPD course
May 2021 –The link centre - London
Certificate in Group Coaching and Facilitation CPD course
May 2016 – ANIMAS Centre for Coaching - London
Certificate in Existential Coaching CPD course
October 2015 – ANIMAS Centre for Coaching - London
Diploma in Personal Transformation Coaching - ACSTH accredited by ICF and AC
November 2015 – ANIMAS Centre for Coaching - London
Member of Association for Coaching
September 2015 / 2021 – (AC) London
Member of Wind Engineering Society
January 2012 – Institution of Structural Engineers
Chartered Structural Engineer – CEng MIStructE
August 2010 – Institution of Structural Engineers
Chartered Civil Engineer – CEng MICE
August 2009 – Institution of Civil Engineers
Master's Degree in Wind Engineering – MSc
October 2004 – University of Milan and Genoa
Chartered Structural Engineer - Member
December 2003 – Institution of Structural Engineers - Genoa
Degree in Structural and Civil Engineering – MEng
October 2003 – University of Genoa